Family History

This site contains a summary of our findings to date for a number of families whose origins we are researching in the British Isles. Some we know more about than others, but we hope that by publishing this information here we can make contact and exchange data with people who can help to complete the picture. Most of the families whose details appear on these pages are those for which we think we have established a clear line of descent, however short.

The surnames we are researching are listed on our home page, first in alphabetical order and then by county of origin. Each surname is linked to a page which gives a summary of the people we are interested in, with the relevant names, dates and places. Most of these surname pages are linked to the corresponding records in an on-line family tree. There you can see the line of descent as we understand it, together with notes on what we have found in parish registers, census returns and other records.

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These family history pages are copyright © Chris Warren and others 1999 to 2024
(you may keep a copy for personal use only in researching your own family history)

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