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Alphabetical List of People Covered

This page lists, in alphabetical order, people from the families we are researching who are recorded in our on-line family history pages, together with their year of birth and death. We use the most common spelling of each surname below. Other spellings which we have found are noted on the detailed page for each individual. Married women are listed under their maiden surname, but we also note any other surnames by which people were known. In particular, members of the Overton and Yaxley family are listed under Yaxley.

The focus of this alphabetical list is on those people who bore one of the main surnames we are researching and who are covered in some detail. You will find these surnames listed on our home page both alphabetically by name and by county of origin. Our on-line pages also include many people who are not listed below, for example the spouses and children of many daughters of these families, and members of earlier generations where we have little detail.

All of the people listed below are linked to a more detailed record in the on-line family tree. People marked with an asterisk do not have a full record, and their details appear on the page for a parent, spouse, sibling or child. When you click on a link, the linked record will be displayed in a separate window. There you can see the family relationships as we understand them, together with notes on what we have found in parish registers, census returns and other records.

This family history data page is copyright © Chris Warren and others 2006 to 2024
(you may keep a copy for personal use only in researching your own family history)

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